Reviewed by
Peter Rigby, Director of Medical Neglience

We've got your nerve damage claim covered

  • No win, no fee
  • Not just lawyers - real specialists
  • No obligation
  • UK's highest-rated medical negligence solicitors

Nerve damage claims

Nerve damage can sometimes be the result of a medical error during surgery or through incorrect usage of a needle. If damage has affected the brain or spinal cord, it could have a significant impact on the affected individual’s quality of life. As our nerves are so fragile and so crucial to our daily lives, injuries can often be permanent and can have lasting effects. Damage to the nerves can be complex and so can the treatment since there is no one generalised treatment

Our experienced team of solicitors have dealt with many nerve damage incidents which were caused by medical negligence, so we understand the stresses and concerns that you may be dealing with. Suffering a nerve damage injury due to a medical mistake can be devastating for all involved. We are here to ease that stress as much as we can and try to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your loved ones.

We're the highest-rated No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitors on Trustpilot

What is a nerve damage compensation claim?

Nerve damage compensation claims can arise when injury or damage occurs when a medical professional such as a neurosurgeon negligently performs surgery or a doctor misdiagnoses a condition which leads to the worsening of your injury or illness.

If a medical professional failed to provide adequate treatment, you may be able to make a claim for nerve damage compensation. Our experts are here to help you assess whether you have suffered due to the negligence of medical staff or if the standard of care was inadequate. If we believe that you have a claim, we can then assess your needs and outline compensation including any additional treatments or rehabilitation.

We can cover your nerve damage claim on a No Win, No Fee basis which means that you won’t have to pay any legal fees if your case is unsuccessful.

Types of nerve damage compensation claims

Nerve damage can occur due to medical errors during surgery or medical and clinical procedures such as through injections. We have successfully represented many nerve damage cases, including:

  • Hip replacement and knee replacement surgeries where nerves have been severed
  • Hernia surgery damage to inguinal and genitofemoral nerve
  • Nerve damage from tumour removal surgery
  • Medication prescribed or administered without warnings of nerve damage risk
  • Spinal cord injury by caudal epidural and facet joint injection
  • Median nerve damage or radial nerve damage inflicted while taking blood from the arm
  • Your contact details

    Details of your claim

    Don't worry about including all details at this stage. Our experts will ask for any further information they require when they contact you.

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Frequently asked questions about Nerve damage claims

Our expert legal team answer your questions about making an Nerve damage claim

Meet our medical negligence team

Peter Rigby

Peter Rigby
Director of Medical Negligence

Christian Beadell

Christian Beadell
Partner, Head of Strategy and Legal Operations

Francesca Paul

Francesca Paul
Associate Solicitor

Sion Wynne

Sion Wynne
Senior Solicitor

Case Study

Sarah's Story

"Now we have peace of mind"

My husband, Nick, went back and forth to the doctors for a long time and tried everything the doctor recommended. But his illness got worse, to the point that he was in agony.

In the end we got so desperate that we asked for a referral. The doctor was reluctant, so we had to consult a private hospital. That’s when we found out there was a tumour. It took years from the onset of his illness to finally start cancer treatment.

He used to be a man with a lot to live for, but in the end he was in so much pain that he withdrew from the family. He became angry that nobody had helped him sooner, and the legal team were able to give him the validation that he was desperately seeking. The NHS confirmed if they had done more, Nick would still be alive today.

You don’t have to go through this alone – take the first step now