How can we help?

If you want to find out more or ask us a question, simply contact us using one of the options below.

The areas we cover

Nationwide coverage:
click your area for details

We’re based in the North West of England, but we have a national presence and help people all over the UK.

Patient Claim Line offers a complete nationwide service and we receive 1000s of calls a month from people across the UK. We are able to deal with everything via email and telephone, and can arrange to meet up face to face in the event that your case is accepted and taken forward by our legal team.
As well as our in house legal team, we also have a network of other like-minded Medical Negligence specialist firms based all over the UK.

View our locations

How can I find a medical negligence solicitor near me?

If you have a claim against an NHS trust in your area, you can proceed with peace of mind, knowing that you won’t have to pay a penny until your case is settled. Select your location from the dropdown below to find a qualified solicitor that serves your area.

Wherever you are,
help is not far away.

Select your area from the list below to see the NHS trusts in your area that we have dealt with, as well as details of the people we have helped.

Head office

St James' Tower, 7 Charlotte Street, Manchester M1 4DZ, UK

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Fletchers Solicitors are solicitors of England and Wales, authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority. The Authority's rules can be accessed via their website Registered Office at St James' Tower, 7 Charlotte Street, Manchester M1 4DZ. Fletchers Solicitors is a trading name of Fletchers Solicitors Ltd. Company No. 5743784