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Reviewed by

Peter Rigby - Director of Medical Negligence | Last updated on: 20th November, 2023

We've got your Periodontal Negligence Claim covered

Types of periodontal claims we help with

We’ve helped people with a range of periodontal negligence claims, including:

• Failure to diagnose periodontal disease
• A delay in the diagnosis of gum disease
• Failure to treat your condition
• If necessary, a failure to refer you for specialist treatment for your gum disease

We're the highest-rated No Win No Fee medical negligence solicitors on Trustpilot

How might you be affected by periodontal negligence?

If your gum disease has been missed or misdiagnosed, you might suffer unnecessary pain. You might need more treatment and, in some circumstances,, you might lose teeth due to periodontal negligence.

Gum disease can affect multiple teeth and can lead to the loss of multiple teeth. If not diagnosed and treated quick enough, a patient might need extensive and expensive dental treatment. If teeth are lost, consideration may also be needed for a tooth implant, something which is again a very costly procedure.

Am I eligible to claim for dental negligence if my gum disease was undiagnosed?

When you visit the dentist, you expect a certain standard of care. And whether you are receiving NHS or private treatment, your dental team has a duty to provide you with safe and adequate treatment by law.

If you think you have received negligent dental treatment relating to gum disease, you may be able to make a claim for compensation.

How our legal team can offer support

Making a claim against your dentist can feel overwhelming, but Patient Claim Line will guide you through the process. As one of the UK’s most respected solicitors specialising in dental claims, we not only have the legal expertise in house, but we also have several high-profile contacts in the medical profession too.

We understand that this can be a very upsetting and traumatic time, especially if you have lost teeth or will do so. Our team of specialist lawyers have over thirty years of experience in claims involving dental negligence, and we’ll make sure that your case is handled with the utmost empathy and respect. We will take the stress out of bringing a claim and help you towards the resolution you deserve.

Periodontal disease – also known as periodontitis or gum disease, is a condition where your gums become sore, swollen or infected. Gum disease is very common and will affect most people at some point. It can usually be treated effectively if it’s detected early on.

Your dentist should be able to diagnose gum disease, or the early stages of gum disease (known as gingivitis), by examining the health of your gums at your check-up. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to complications, some of which can be very serious. You may also need referring to a specialist Periodontist.

If your gum disease has been missed due to dental negligence, we can help you make a claim for compensation on a no win, no fee basis.

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Why Choose Patient Claim Line for your Periodontal Negligence Claim?

Not just lawyers — medical negligence experts

Patient Claim Line was established in 2014 and consists of a team of medical lawyers specialising in cancer negligence and general medical negligence claims.

At Patient Claim Line we have more than 100 solicitors with a combined experience of over 400 years and they will work on your behalf to achieve the best result possible for you.

It’s not enough to use a solicitor who sometimes covers medical negligence. You need someone who knows this area through and through. That is what the solicitors here at Patient Claim Line do. They deal exclusively in this area of law and are experts in the field.

Frequently asked questions about Periodontal Negligence Claims

Our expert legal team answer your questions about making a Periodontal Negligence Claim

According to the NHS, symptoms of gum disease can include: 

  • Bleeding gums after you have brushed your teeth, flossed or eaten a hard food 
  • Your gums are red, sore and/or swollen 

The NHS also state that gum disease can lead to bad breath, your gums shrinking and your tooth becoming loose and falling out.

If your periodontal disease diagnosis is delayed, thus going untreated your oral health could suffer the consequences. If the disease if left untreated, it can cause your teeth to loosen and eventually lead to you loosing teeth.

Although there cannot be a definitive answer to this as the timescale changes upon a case-by-case basis, it is estimated that cases may take between 18 months to 2 years. In some circumstances, case may take longer than this timescale.

Meet our Periodontal Negligence Team

  • Sowmya Jagannath

    Senior Solicitor

  • Sophie McGarry


  • Peter Rigby

    Director of Medical Negligence

  • Hannah Luscombe

    Associate & Senior Solicitor

  • Case Study

    Vincent's Story

    "He's always there for us"

    At the age of 2 we noticed our son Vincent had trouble with his hearing. We had this testing over a number of years and were repeatedly told there was nothing wrong.

    Initially we thought this was a speech and language problem, this wasn't the case. It took 4 to 5 years of assessments, with the constant response that there was nothing wrong with his hearing. A different test was them carried on Vincent overnight where it was found he was profoundly deaf.

    After years of frustration we were finally able to provide Vincent with the support he required and received an implant. This has enable Vincent to be able to hear. The support from our solicitors has enabled to to gain access to specialist which have supported Vincent in closing the gap in his speech he lost out on to his peers.