Medical negligence team investigating breast surgery care at

Barking Havering & Redbridge University Trust

Patient Claim Line are investigating the management of patients who were treated by the breast clinic within the Barking Havering and Redbridge University Trust. The treatment had a focus on surgery; treating breast cancer such as, mastectomy, resection and tumour removal (lumpectomy). At present, we it is understood that at least 40 patients have been part of an Invited Clinical Record Review which was carried by the Royal College of Surgeons. The Royal College of Surgeon is an independent objective body that have been asked to review and advise on the care provided. As such, they are an external assurance on clinical services and quality of care.

This review was conducted in May 2022 and highlighted potential issues with the care provided.

There are concerns over one particular unnamed surgeon. It is known that the surgeon in question had been practising for a number of years and concerns had been raised by a patient as far back as 2015.


Why talk to us about making a medical negligence claim?

Making a medical negligence claim is not just about getting financial compensation for something that was avoidable. It’s also a step towards ensuring that these poor practises and resulting suffering a prevented from happening to someone else. To ensure that there is no financial risk to you, we work on a solely No Win, No Fee basis, which means that if your claim is unsuccessful, there is nothing you have to pay.

Christian Beadell, who heads up the team specialising in helping groups affected by medical negligence, commented:

“Depending upon the stage of diagnosis, the treatment for managing breast cancer may include surgery. It is important that patients have a full and informed discussion about this treatment option which should include potential complications and likely outcomes. This should take place well in advance of the surgery and include a discussion of alternatives. We are frequently instructed by patients who have proceeded to surgery without a full appreciation of how this may impact them both physically and with regards to future treatment. Similarly, we have seen patients who have not had essential biopsy investigations carried which has adversely impacted on their treatment plan.”

Key allegations

Failure to document reasons for surgery

Possible inappropriate or unjustified surgery

Poor consenting processes

Failures to take biopsies where necessary

Not offering alternative treatment or suitable follow-up

Some issues over technical consideration of types of cancers and the best treatment options

What happens next?

If you have had treatment at the breast clinic of Barking Havering and Redbridge University Hospital Trust and you are not sure whether to take legal action, you can speak to one of our expertt team of medical negligence solicitors who will provide a free, confidential, no-obligation case assessment.

Have you been impacted?

As a patient, doctors and other medical professionals are expected to provide the best possible care and advise of the options throughout the treatment. If this doesn't happen, it could be due to medical negligence and have lasting effects on the impact of a condition and the course of any future treatment.

Find out if you can claim

Our team of experts will support you all the way

Our Group Actions team is led by Christian Beadell and Francesca Paul. They are supported by Sion Wynne, and a dedicated team of talented medical negligence solicitors. The team forms part of a wider medical negligence department, with Peter Rigby at the helm. Our Group Actions team specialises in bringing forward collective clinical negligence claims against an NHS Trust, and have a track record of successfully securing compensation for our clients.

Adrian Denson

Adrian Denson
Chief Legal Officer

Peter Rigby

Peter Rigby
Director of Medical Negligence

Christian Beadell

Christian Beadell
Partner, Head of Strategy and Legal Operations

Francesca Paul

Francesca Paul
Associate Solicitor

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